This is the Metropix Plan for Print service. It allows you to obtain a floor plan for any Metropix property, specifying your own resolution and format.

Either: Metropix property code:
or: Your property reference: and account name:

Width in pixels:

Floor index:
Prefix with n to omit floor caption. This field is optional and not all floor plans support a floor plan image per floor.

Either: Height in pixels:
or: Aspect ratio: (e.g. for 4:3 enter 1.333)
or: leave both height and aspect ratio boxes blank and we'll choose the optimum height

(0, 90, 180 or 270. Width specified is the desired width of the image after rotation.)

We currently support PNG, GIF and JPG. PNG is recommended.
For a two-colour image that will encourage broken printers to print in black-and-white mode, suffix the digit 2. Currently only supported with PNG.
For an image with a transparent background, suffix the digit 0 (zero). Supported with PNG and GIF.

2D or 3D Floor Plan?
(3D Floor Plans are only available if they have been ordered by the customer.)
Layout of 3D Floor Plan
Note that 3D Floor Plans can also be fetched on a per-floor basis using the Floor Index box above.

To automate the retrieval of floor plans, examine the URL that appears when "View floor plan URL" is clicked.

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